I'm continuing my search for new vegan/vegetarian recipes and I'm excited about a new cookbook I've checked out of the library, The 30 Minute Vegan. I've been thumbing through it checking out the recipes and a lot of them look really good. There is nice variety in that most of the recipes are cooked in a traditional manner but there are some raw recipes as well. We tried "Live Macadamia Nut-Ricotta Veggie Towers" tonight and they were tasty! The faux ricotta cheese made out of macadamia nuts was surprisingly delish, although The Middle Child said it was too gritty for her. (She was the only one of the kids to try it; she's our Resident Foodie and all around Adventurous Eater, but only when she's in the mood to try new things.) We rounded out the meal with baked sweet potatoes and a green salad with assorted mini heirloom tomatoes I found at the local gourmet store this afternoon. I used Earth Balance on the potato so it was a vegan meal- no animal products whatsoever. Wait, rats. I used honey instead of agave in the veggie towers recipe. (I've found I really do NOT like agave; it has a strange after taste.) OK, well, almost vegan.
As for the veggie towers, they were made up of a big, thick slice of juicy tomato topped with the fake cheese and some marinated zucchini slices. The zucchini was marinated in a mixture of soy sauce (the recipe called for Nama Shoyu, which is raw soy sauce, but I'm into my pasteurization, thanks), lemon juice, agave, (which is where I used the honey instead), some fresh herbs, (I used basil), and apple cider vinegar. The Middle Child declared the zucchini slices the best part- she said the marinade made them taste like cucumber. (She loves cucumber; she'll get one out of the refrigerator and walk around eating it like an apple.)
I'm going to pick up the cookbook as soon as I can find it (or I may just pay the shipping and get it on Amazon). I have to try a few more recipes before I can fully recommend it, but it's worth checking out. I think this is going to be one of those cookbooks that veggies and meat eaters alike will enjoy; it certainly has enough variety.
5 years ago
What about the veggie wraps that nearly started a fist fight?
Oh, yeah- we had those, too. I picked them up in the dairy case at the local gourmet store. Pre-made; all you have to do is saute them for a few minutes. They were actually more like spring rolls or egg rolls than wraps and they were really good!
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