We have strawberries coming out of our ears!!! :) I'm such a happy girl. It's been a good day's work, but I'm so glad I don't have to do that for a living. I gave thanks for the farm workers who do that all day, every day so we can eat, because it's hard, and I only picked a few baskets full. I took all 4 kids and they were useless. The Niece filled the bottom of one basket, The Eldest picked a dozen or so, The Middle Child pitched in and actually filled most of a basket by herself, and The Youngest went running around like the wild child he is and didn't pick a thing. The Eldest and The Youngest were freaked out by the bees, conveniently. :-P Well, where there are strawberries, there are bees, and if there weren't bees, there wouldn't be strawberries, so I said thank you to the little bugs whenever I was picking berries near them. The kids, however, didn't share my view and went screaming in dire fear for their very lives whenever a bee got anywhere near them. Sheese- where did these kids come from?
After we (I) picked berries we bought milk shakes and ice cream and brought out our picnic lunch to eat right by the fields. (They have several picnic benches there.) It was lovely; the weather was gorgeous with just the hint of a chill in the air. After that we took a few minutes to pick some tomatoes then went shopping at the little produce store and bakery. Squash, zucchini, spinach and lettuce, fresh herbs, fresh bread, herb bread sticks, CINNAMON BUNS, fudge, chocolate chip cookies...there goes my diet! We'll have a veggie dinner tonight and LOTS of dessert. Time to go cook!
5 years ago
That sounds like such fun! I love picking fruits and veggies. I'm guessing its warm where you are? And I'm jealous, lol...it's 30 degrees here.
The weather was gorgeous today, and yes, we're in a warm area. Without seeing any weather stats, it's seemed warmer than usual to me this year. I know that's not the case in the rest of the country. Just enough of the cold fronts have moved down to sweeten those strawberries, though! It's a good year for them and the ladies at the berry farm told me they should be ripening consistently all through the season, which means we'll be able to make the drive at least once more before they're all gone! (It's a LOOONNNNGGG drive to the strawberry farm so it's a full day's outing for us.)
Thank you for leaving a comment, btw! I'm just getting started with my blog so it's fun to hear from other people. :)
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