Monday, May 25, 2009

Jet Lag

Jet lag is the pits! I thought I would adjust back more quickly since I was up for roughly 23 hours for the journey home (after about an hour's sleep the night before due to worry about possibly over-sleeping) but I fell asleep for the night around 9:00 pm last night. (My regular bedtime is around 3:00 am.) I was up when DH came to bed and thought I might go back to sleep but it didn't happen. So now I'm trying the jet lag diet thing- fast for 12 to 16 hours then a meal with protein. I have another hour or so to go; I'm STARVING!!! It seemed to work when we got to the UK; I went roughly 12 hours without eating then had a big meal and I was fine. I was really sleepy on the double decker tour bus the first day but then I didn't have any more problems, and in fact slept better than I usually do at home. (All the exercise.) We'll see what happens with it, but I'm hoping I adjust quickly since DH is getting a little cranky with me. ;)


Laika said...

Glad you made it back okay. Dying to hear your tales of Barcelona...

Kim said...

Barcelona was a blast; I'll type it up when the jet lag improves. ;)

Unknown said...

Jet lag lasts about a week. You should feel somewhat better by Saturday.